Family Health
Family Planning Care
There are clinics available at Congleton War Memorial Hospital on Mondays and Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm by appointment. Please telephone 01260 294832 during these times to make an appointment. Contraceptive and Family Planning advise is also available by appointment through your GP.

Maternity Care
Provided with your Community Midwife throughout and after your pregnancy either at the childrens centre or the hospital.
Local clinics are held at the Congleton and Holmes Chapel Children’s Centre, New Street, Congleton CW12 3AH. If you wish to make an appointment please ring 01260 371061. Alternatively arrange an appointment at your GP surgery.
Child Health Clinics
Are held at Congleton War Memorial Hospital, contact the health visitor on 01260 294820 for details. Click through to Child Health Clinics in Services we provide.
Health Visitors deliver the Healthy Child Programme to all parents and families of pre-school children. They take over from the midwife and visit new parents and babies from 11 days to give advice on all matters related to child and family health. Health Visitors are also available at Child Health Clinics please contact health visitors on 0300 1234291.
The School Health service looks after children’s health all through their school years providing a seamless transition from health visitors to school nurses. They support all children and young people in primary and secondary schools and home educated, as well as their families and carers. They work in partnership with schools and each school has a named nurse. They can be contacted on:
- Congleton 0300 1234311
- Sandbach 0300 1234597
- Macclesfield 0300 1234067