Prescriptions and Medication during Covid
Routine repeat prescriptions – please allow 3 working days.
To minimise patient contact at the surgery and local pharmacies we are asking patients to sign up for online services where possible to order repeat prescriptions.
If you don’t yet have an account, please contact the surgery and the staff will help you set one up.
Please nominate a pharmacy closest to your home address to stay local when collecting medication or arrange delivery.
Paper repeat prescription requests maybe placed in the box on the wall outside the surgery. Prescriptions will then be sent to your nominated pharmacy for collection/delivery.
GPs are working to keep repeat medications update to ensure non-essential delay.
Where possible, please order your own medicines.

Repeats box

Example prescription
Your Prescription
A standard prescription is shown in the photo, with important information circled.
- Patient Number - This uniquely identifies you to Lawton House Surgery.
- Current Prescription - This is the medication you are currently taking.
- Repeat Prescription - You may request repeat prescriptions for any of the items in this list.
- Medication Quantity - This is the quantity which will be supplied on repeat prescriptions.
- Medication Review Date - Once you reach this date your medication will need to be reviewed by a doctor. You may need to make an appointment at this time.
New Patients
Please be advised that if you are taking regular prescription medications issued by your previous surgery, you will need to make an appointment with a GP or our nurse prescriber as soon as possible after registering. This will ensure that your repeat medications will be added to the clinical system ready for issuing when the medication is next due. Or bring in the order slip from your existing prescription.