New appointment system

The way you book an appointment with us is changing

Following a patient survey, we found that 9 out of 10 patients are looking for new and more convenient ways to book appointments online rather than calling the practice at 8am. As such, we've invested into an online patient triage form, the aim of which is to speed up access to the healthcare you need.

From 27th March, all you need to do is visit the practice website and complete the simple online patient booking form to book an appointment.

Completed forms will be triaged by the medical team during surgery operating hours, in some cases you'll be called, in others we'll call you into the practice for a consultation and for some e.g. repeat prescriptions, we may send it onto your local pharmacy to collect, letting you know via text.

There are a host of benefits, more efficient for you and us, less time spent trying to get appointments and more time spent providing the healthcare you need. A fairer booking system which everyone can access and better continuity of care. If you don't have access to the internet to complete the form online or through the NHS app, or you have additional needs, our reception team will run through the digital triage form with you over the phone or in person.