Patient Participation Group
Who are we?
We are a group of friendly volunteers from the practice who offer opinions in a constructive manner and put forward ideas on behalf of other patients to improve the provision of healthcare and patients experience. We are led by patients supported by practice staff providing information regarding new developments and services.

What do we do?
We listen to you the patient about your experience and your ideas to improve health services in the practice.
We work to ensure your voice is heard and facilitate communication to support the practice to know what the patient experience is really like and patients to understand how they can support the practice to get the health care they require.
We work on specific projects supported by the practice. Eg. during Covid 19 a sub group worked with the practice to update the new website which went live in October/November 2021
We support different services in the practice as requested e.g. Flu Clinics
We meet regularly usually bi-monthly but due to Covid19 meetings were cancelled from March 2020. We are now re launching with a publicity drive in the Autumn.
Dates and minutes of meetings will be displayed on the practice website and in Reception.
Membership is open to everyone registered with the practice and to staff.
A PPG works best when it reflects the whole practice population so come along and have a say in how services can be developed and work for you.
New members with fresh ideas are always welcome.
If you don’t wish to commit to the core group then there are opportunities to be contacted by email occasionally for items such as surveys.
Could this be you? If so please leave your name and contact details with reception.