Repeat Prescriptions
Regular medication can be issued with a repeat prescription without seeing the doctor. You will normally receive two months treatment each time.
There are different ways to get your prescription.
In person
By filling in the prescription repeat slip on the right hand side
and posting in the box at the surgery.
Please follow the instructions on the repeat slip and allow three full working days, not weekends or Bank Holidays, before you collect the prescription (72 Hours). If you need your prescription sooner, that is within 24 or 48 hours please advise the reception staff when making your request.
We regret we cannot accept requests for repeat prescriptions over the telephone. If you have lost your repeat slip you can ask for another copy at reception or fill in a form, also available at reception.
Housebound/clinically vulnerable patients
The pharmacies can order these prescriptions - phone and discuss this with the pharmacy of your choice. They can apply for Patient Access to support ordering. Many have carers or relatives to do this for them.

Prescription post box
Via Patient Access
To arrange this you will need to take a copy of your ID (passport, driving licence, utility bill) to the surgery and you will be given a form to register with Patient Access. You will need to register a username and password.
During Covid, No ID required, done by phone from home, then email.
You can then use the link here, or directly from a laptop, or other device. On Patient Access it is also possible to arrange to view your medical records which you can request from the surgery.
Via the NHS App
This shares your covid-19 status and your vaccine record, your health record and you can order repeat prescriptions.
The link for this is Click here to get the NHS App.
Lawton House operates the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)
The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is an NHS service which gives you the chance to change how your GP sends your prescription. The GP will send it electronically to the place you nominate (choose), saving you time, by not having to collect your prescription from the surgery. You have the choice about where your medicines can be collected, from a pharmacy nearer to where you live, work or shop.
You don’t need a computer to do this. Just ask any pharmacy, dispensing appliance contractor or GP to do this for you. You can change this at any time by telling them in good time before your next prescription is due.
Once set up, repeats medications are done by ticking the selected boxes and taking the prescription to your pharmacy. Please ask at the pharmacy for an indication of when the prescription will be ready.

Electronic Prescription Service
Is This Service Right for You?
Yes, if you have a stable condition and you:
- Don’t want to go to your GP practice every time to collect your repeat prescription.
- Collect your medicines from the same place most of the time or use a prescription collection service now.
It may not be if you:
- Don’t get prescriptions very often
- Pick up your medicines from different places.
Is EPS Reliable, Secure and Confidential?
Yes. Your electronic prescription will be seen by the same people in GP practices, pharmacies and NHS prescription payment and fraud agencies that see your paper prescription now.
Pharmacies will also see all the items on your reorder slip if you are on repeat prescriptions.
If you are Unhappy With Your Experience of Nomination
You can complain to the pharmacy, dispensing appliance contractor (DAC) or GP practice. You can also complain to NHS England or their local NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) if your complaint cannot be resolved.